Saturday, May 14, 2011

The run down pt. 1

So, it's officially the end of my junior year of college, it's thunderstorming, and I'm at home. This year was full of ups and downs, but oddly enough, this week was only emotional for me in a few ways. A few odd ways.

Two days ago, it hit me, like really hit me, that Gordon was leaving. It hit me so quickly that I sat right down and wrote him a letter about how I felt at that exact moment. I cried a bit as I was writing it, but it wasn't too bad. I thought I had heard him leave earlier, so I took it upstairs to set on his desk. Surprise, there he was sitting at his desk. I handed it to him awkwardly and kind of just ran away. As I descended the stairs, the tears started to flow. I was alone downstairs and just cried for a bit, telling myself I was stupid and that I needed to stop. I later asked him if he had read it and he said he was glad that I had said everything I said, that he's lucky to have me, and that he's keeping that letter. I'm happy with where we are.

That night, I went to Carrie and Ellen's room to hang out with a few people. I was talking about sexiling or something with some friends, then starting missing Krasnor really badly. Out of nowhere, I just started sobbing about him! I mean all out sobbing (given, I was a bit tipsy), but still, sobbing! It had nothing to do with Gordon at all! Just Krasnor. I texted him and told him that I was really missing him at that moment and he asked if I wanted to Facebook chat. It was so sweet of him. I think that's why I miss him so much. Either way, my last few days were full of realization and missing. And crying. Lame.

Packing up the house sucked. I had to do a lot of it myself, and I know Katie feels bad, I don't blame her. But it was just hard. Zach helped a lot though. This whole storage process was just so stressful. I'm glad it's over with.

1 comment:

  1. Aww Katie. It's hard to date someone for so long and then *not* miss them that much (I know). And you became such good friends with Gordon even after the fact (which I'm pretty jealous about, not gonna lie...). So the crying and the missing is understandable.
    But don't you fret! Senior year is the BEST year. Well, all four years were pretty stellar, but some of my fondest memories are from senior year, I.S. included. :) I know you'll make the best of next year, even without some of your good friends.
