Thursday, May 26, 2011

The run down pt. 2

So, I kind of stopped writing the last post because I got bored/didn't feel like writing everything. I've been home for a little over a week now, and it's still storming. Kind of annoying because I want to get some color!

As far as activities go, I've mostly just been laying around all day while Alyse is at school. It's not really good for me, so I'm going to try to get up and do things. I've been to two Indian's games so far, and I've been going to TNBP, religiously of course. I started work this weekend, which was great. I'm already picking up a bunch of hours!

Joe and I went to graduation. It was a loooong time. It was cold and rainy that day, so the whole thing was in the gym. This meant really uncomfortable bleacher seats. I took pictures with all of my favorite seniors, and said final goodbyes to everyone. Also, we had to pack up a few things that were left at the house on accident. Since I left, I haven't talked to Gordon at all. I'm trying to set up a skype date, or just a phone call. I miss him and just want to see how he's doing. I have talked to Krasnor though! That was a fun conversation. I also just had a phonecall with Chris last night. I'm doing very well at keeping in touch :)

So, at our swing ball, I met yet another guy. His name is Mike and his roommate brought him to our dance. I was teaching him to dance, we got to talking, and we found out we both live in Parma. He ended up asking me for my number and I hung out with him the other night. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully we'll hang out a lot this summer, and maybe something will come of it.

That's about all for now, I'm going to go wait for Scotty to get here. I miss him!

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