Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm the only one who knows my feelings.

I'm tired of people trying to tell me how I feel. It's happening more often than not lately and it bugs me. During the school year, people kept trying to tell me that I wasn't over Gordon, when I was 100% sure that I had no feelings for him. Now, people are trying to tell me that I'm jealous because Alyse and Andrew have a thing now.

Number 1, I haven't liked Andrew since freshman year of high school, and that was barely a crush. Number 2, it's just odd that one of my best friends and my sister are hooking up. It's a new situation and of course it's going to be weird for me, but I AM NOT JEALOUS.

It just bugs me a lot. I miss my caring guys who just listen and give good feedback, Krasnor for example. I'm going to write him a letter since I've been thinking about him a lot lately. I'm also going to hang with Eric on Monday. He always makes me feel better.

Also, I'm having a phone call with Katie tomorrow. We haven't chatted/caught up on anything in a long time. It's long past due.

This is the end of my rant.

(You don't know how many pics of huge boobs I came upon after Googling "not jealous")

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