Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Undying Affections

This summer if being filled with a lot of self-realizations. I can't decide if it's good or bad. We'll say good, just to be positive.

As you all know, I have a lot of guy friends. I love these guys with all of my heart, with undying affection. All I want from our friendship is for them to feel the same way towards me. If it seems to me like they aren't feeling the same way about me, I start to feel a little blue, or jealous if they're giving that affection/attention to other girls. I'm pretty sure I've posted about this before about Gordon, but I can't figure out a way to fix this with myself. I know these guys do love me, but it wouldn't hurt if they expressed that to me without my having to get it out of them. I know most guys don't usually express things like that anyway, but reassurance always feels good.

It's hard having affection for people who don't necessarily show it back. I just need to stop expecting so much, have faith in our friendship, and it should help.

I'm also having trouble with giving new guys the right image of myself. I think I'm starting to build up a false image for them, and I really just need to stop. I just need to chill out, stop caring so much, and let chill and flow take me over again.

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