Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tomorrow, I shall be rich.

I figured it's time I blog again. It's been quite a while and I feel like I just need to keep tabs with whats going on.

This break has been going fairly well. I've been getting a lot of hours in at work which is really good for my car insurance, but bad for my idea of how much I can put back into the company by buying bras ;) I really like my job, and I plan on holding it all through grad school!

My grades for this semester were okay. I passed Jr. IS with a B- and that's all I really care about! I didn't get the best grade in clinic, and I was a little discouraged because the teacher just isn't clear about what she expects. This semester I'm really really really going to try my hardest to study, put in at least 90% effort in every class, and spend time with everyone I care about.

I'm starting to finally get a grip on the single life. I'm losing that attachment to Gordon that I've had for the past semester, and I'm starting to feel more independent. I'm kind of looking for a new guy, but I'm not searching. I'm just hoping he's a dancer because that would be great. It's actually a quality that has become pretty important to me. I want to start going to jazz clubs or something and meet new people! Speaking of which, I went to visit my friend Tristan, in Columbus. Turns out, he's got a girlfriend, but he's great to talk to, and a really great (and tall) dancer :) I had a lot of fun with him. We went to a karaoke bar and watched old people sing really horribly. We danced there, and in his living room, and had an all out fun time. He's moving to South Carolina in June, so hopefully I'll get to see him a few more times before then.

Bron's coming to visit on Sunday! I'm really excited! I wanted to do some fun dancing or something, but there's none available, so we'll either hang out with BW friends, or just stay home and play my new Dicecapades game.

This break has been full of so many ups and downs and it's only been about 2 weeks. I just can't wait to get back to school and dancing. Sparx is coming up in February. I have to register for it still! I'm also choreographing Candyman right now, and let me say that it is ever so difficult to choreograph a lindy piece by oneself. I have some parts, but I still have a lot to cover. Let's just hope it comes together by the deadline.....

I thought I'd have more to talk about, but I don't. I really just spend a lot of time in my room watching tv. I need to get out more, and actually read the books that I got out from the library.

I didn't make any new years resolutions because they're always the same. "Stop biting my nails (which I kind of have)," " Eat better," "Stretch," "Do better in school." Yeah, it will all happen by itself, in good time. I just won't resolve to do so.

Oh, by the way. I'm going to win the Mega Millions tonight :)

Good morrow my children.

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