Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm starting to get bad at this!

I guess it's about time I blogged again.

My life hasn't been too entirely exciting. Jr. IS is catching up to me. It's becoming more and more real, and I'm realizing how kind of unprepared I am. My absolute final topic is "Characteristics of English narratives produced by Spanish/English Bilingual Children." I'm really excited to get working on it, and so is my adviser, since she's bilingual in Spanish :)

My clinic client is a little Korean boy. We're working on his "s" sound. He's a pistol and really sassy, which is good because I like a little bit of personality in a kid. Plus, I can throw the sassy right back :)

Oh yeah, I turned 20 this month. It's so weird. I feel more grown up...ish. I'm also spending more time partying too. It's actually a lot of fun. I don't know why I never went out and socialized this much the past two years. I have a lot of fun hanging out at "Slavery" house, where John McGovern lives. The guys there are really fun!

As far as things go, Gordon and I have fallen into quite the awesome friendship. He and I are very compatible, personality-wise, and it's just great. Katie says that we're confusing people (they think we are/will get back together), but we're just close. I think we're starting to really find our niche with each other, and it's flowing out quite well. Today's his birthday, but I haven't seen him yet.

This past weekend, Wooster was the guest band at the Parma High Band Spectacular. Aka all of my school peeps got to see me doing what I do with my adult life. It was really cool to have so many old teachers compliment us. This led to me staying at home and going to the Bohemian! I was so in need of swing dancing, you don't even know. It was a great relief, and I got in some pretty good dances (even if I was aching). Nick and I were very sad that there was no blues late night. I'm due for a good night of blues. But this will be remedied soon because The Let's Dance Society is hosting "Blues/Tango Fusion" lessons! We're really excited. Hopefully the teacher will e-mail me back soon. We're hoping to start this Saturday! I just want to bluuuuuuuuuues!

Today we went to the Indian's game :) It was fun. We won, and I had some of my favorite people with me. Oh, and Andrew was raped by Ketchup!

I'm still swinging the single life, very well I think. I also feel like some people are thinking things of me that are untrue. I won't talk about them, but it's just kind of bugging me. I hope it blows over.

I should probably blog more often. I feel like I'm leaving a lot of stuff out. I'll try to get back in the groove. My window in front of my desk just rattled and scared the crap out of me. It needs to stop. Time to get back to working on my JR. IS. I need to really put some effort into my work if I'm going to get my GPA up!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's been far too long

It has been far too long since I've blogged. I'm in the middle of my second week of classes this school year. I'm pretty happy with all of my classes. The Spanish one is going to be difficult, but hey, I need it! I also got my client for clinic. He's a little Asian boy, yay! Everything with Gordon is going very well. We've had a couple of ups and downs, but everything has basically settled itself to where it will probably be for the rest of our friendship. My housemates are pretty great, floormates are even better. We really click on this floor, it's pretty great. I'm a little sad though, because there's a teeny sense of division between the floors. Upstairs doesn't really come to visit downstairs. I try to go up there a few times a day, but I just run into people playing video games, and it's not really inviting. There have been a few get-togethers and parties lately, so that's always good. I've been eating horribly since I got here, and I need to slow it down. I need to eat healthier and maybe try to start working out. Geez there's so much to talk about! I need to get back into the flow of updating.

Let's Dance is starting up again this week. I'm really excited. I feel like this year is going to be a great one. I'm trying to go to a lindy exchange, but I'm not quite sure if it's going to work out.

As far as boys go, I'm trying to slow it down. I found myself wanting to find someone, but then realized how good it felt to be single. I've had a couple of kisses with this guy Chris, and he seems really into me, but I don't know what I want yet. He's really sweet and funny, but there are many other guys out there that have potential, and I kind of want to give them a chance too. Adam beat me at a game of memory last night. It was really fun. I hope he and I get to hang out a lot more this year. There's also this guy Tristan from Dayton. He's really cute and a spectacular dancer, but I probably won't see him for a while, so that is just a dream haha.

I'm going to try to get my GPA up nice and high this year! I'm finally figuring out my study strategies, as well as my learning strategies. Hopefully everything works out.

I thought I had more to say, but it's late and I have a paper to finish. I'll probably update a bit more later on this week.

Junior IS is starting to scare me, but I think I have a topic. It's "Bilingual children's reading proficiencies based on the language of the text" (in this case, Spanish and English). It should be interesting.

Next time: Neighbors, named inanimate objects in the house.