Thursday, March 24, 2011

The know.

Hello blogging world! I've realized that this isn't a true blog. It's a diary blog! I think a true blog is one which people talk about things that are relevant to others. Almost every single thing in my blog is not relevant to anyone else but me. Oh well :)

I've been on spring break for the past week and a half, and it's been really nice! The first week I was on band tour and it was really fun. Tiring, but fun. We ended up in Chicago and the day that we were there was beautiful! I really enjoyed going to the art museum, walking around Millennium Park and the Magnificent Mile. The weather was beautiful, and I was sometimes able to take my coat off! We caught up with Lindsay which was nice. She took us out to a Romanian restaurant where there was supposed to be live jazz, but the dude ditched. It was still fun either way. Katie and Joe bought their first drinks, and we swing bombed the Hilton for the last half hour. It was a really fun experience, and much more relaxed than NYC, that's for sure.

This second week of break has been full of dancing, chilling, and homework. The first day, I brought Aaron home with me and we went to a small dance at BW. Nick was there and he said he missed seeing me. Suuuuuuure he does....haha. He probably does, just in a hoe-ish way. Then, on Saturday, we drove to Columbus to visit Sean for his birthday. It was a ton of fun! I really need to visit more often. It's just pretty far away. Kind of. I also haven't worked out in about 3 weeks. I'm probably going to die at Super Fit next week. Hopefully I can get back into shape really fast, so I can wear my sexy new bikini outside :)

I've been working on my homework and editing parts of Gordon's IS. I've actually been pretty productive! I'm also trying to work on some fiction and non-fiction for a writing contest being held by the English department. I was really getting into it last week, but this week I just don't have the flow and drive. I hope I'll be able to finish them. I'd love some cash and prizes if I won. I also pretty much finished my choreography. It's about time! I'm not too worried about my dance, but I just hope the showcase can come together.

The week before spring break, a few of us had an intervention with Gordon. We told him how he needed to get his priorities straight and such. I think he really listened, and it helped me to understand him a bit better. He's about to get into another relationship, and I'm pretty okay with it. I really like Sam and I'm very comfortable with both of them. I'm just afraid that he's going to completely forget about me and not spend time with me during these last few months that I'll probably ever see him again. Hopefully that won't be the case.

Boy-wise. Hmm...I'm really confused. I think I'm ready for another relationship, or to just be with one guy, but there are a few guys who have shown some sort of interest, and I'm really not sure what to do. I don't just want to whore around from guy to guy, that would really hurt everyone and just be a bad situation. I wouldn't mind flirting around with a few though....I just don't want people to be led on/get hurt. I've already almost done that with Chris. I'm going to just live the single and mingle life and see where it gets me. As a quote goes, that I posted on my Facebook, "The road to finding 'the one' is paved with a bit of promiscuity." I kind of feel like the bachelorette.

Oh, I made a Twitter. I gave in. It's not all that ex
citing, not gonna lie. But whatever. My name is @Lindy_Katie16 if you're interested.

Alright. I'm going to watch iCarly, and Community, then go to Andrew's for TNBP! Speaking of my dear Andrew, I went to a hockey game with him and a few of his friends on Tuesday. It was fun, and I'm really glad he invited me. I love being the only girl who goes, idk why haha. I also hung out with Nick and Tory yesterday. I miss them both, I never get to see them enough.

I think that's all for now. I never have anything to talk about, but I'm going to make the rest of this semester super fun, so watch out!

P.S. I bought the cutest dress for Bohemian! It's an all white eyelet and it's fitted and longer and a-line and I love it! I'm going to wear it all spring and summer haha.