Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Down to the Wire

Oh hai. Long time no see.

So it's down to the end of the semester. I have three pretty large papers to write. Not Fun. Good thing I'm in a working mood tonight (although that probably means I won't get too much work done in the end).

I'm down to the wire on my Jr. IS. I've got a whopping two participants, and therefore not much data. The good thing is that my adviser decided to have me shorten my IS to 4 chapters instead of 6! Yay! I hate writing the Literature Review. It's the hardest thing that I've ever done in my life. They really need to have an entire class about writing just lit. reviews. I also apparently still haven't done very well on my plagiarism project. I'll just be so happy when I'm done with Jr. IS. Next semester will be so much easier for me.

Oh, so I didn't go to the ASHA convention. I was getting behind on my Jr. IS, I still am for that matter, but I decided it would be a good idea not to go. Oh well, there's always next time.

I have an 8 page Spanish poetry analysis that I need to edit and finish. That's paper number 2.

Paper number 3 is my progress report for my clinic kid. He's doing pretty well, and he's become more motivated because now we're doing crafts and not just playing games. I'll miss his sass.

So the showcase is actually coming together really well. I'm choreographing Candyman (working on it over Christmas break alone will be difficult). I'm also potentially in 3 songs, possibly leading blango in one of them. Speaking of, the blango lessons went swimmingly. It was really great and The Let's Dance! Society is making really good connections :)

Speaking of dancing, Candice wants Katie and I to come down to Dayton to visit/go to their annual swing dance. I'm interested, but again, down to the wire. I guess it all depends on how much work I get done before the weekend. But as a plus, Tristan will be there (presumably) ;) haha.

Apparently there is a rave happening at our house on Saturday. I'm excited, but not. It's going to be hectic. And Alyse and Alex want to come. I'd love to have them, but I feel like they'd either fight or I'd have to babysit. I don't want either of those, so I might just be like "don't come." Plus again, homework.

My job at Victoria's Secret still exists and I'm so thankful for that. I feel like I'm going to work there until I get my SLP job, or maybe even still when I'm an SLP haha.

I'm making puppy chow tonight, it's about time. I think I'll throw on some Frankie S Christmas :)

Okay, off to dinner, then to work work work so I can maybe go to Dayton on Friday.